His atrocious revelations that Cédric Jubillar made to his cellmate!

The Jubillar affair continues to spill ink … Volatilized during the night of December 15 to 15, 2020, Delphine Jubillar has not given any sign of life since that famous evening … Considered the main suspect in this affair, the husband by Delphine, Cédric Jubillar has since been placed in pre-trial detention … If the latter has been claiming his innocence for over a year, several elements of the investigation – still in progress – seem to be against him!

The reason ? Before disappearing Delphine Jubillar had asked for a divorce from her husband who did not wish to separate from his wife … However, the latter seemed to have really put an end to this marriage. The proof, tired of “The life of a slug” of Cédric Jubillar, the latter had decided to take a lover! So many flaws within their couple that make Cédric Jubillar the main suspect … And the revelations of his cell neighbor are certainly unlikely to help matters!

According to our colleagues from La Dépêche, the detainee released on October 4 decided to go to the gendarme to give a statement! Indeed, the cell neighbor of Cédric Jubillar indicated that the latter had confessed to him concerning the murder of Delphine Jubillar. “Cédric was impressed by my prison past, he said he was the biggest cuckold in France, he would have said. He caught Delphine texting her lover, picking up her phone in the living room and he killed her… He said, ‘they didn’t even find the knife’… ”, said the former prisoner. According to the latter, Cédric Jubillar would therefore have killed his wife using a knife, the potential weapon of the crime.

Lisa Ziane

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