his arrival at The Voice Kids is not unanimous!

“It would have been with pleasure but it’s TF1”, “Big crap this show”, “Product TF1… what a pity… show that is useless… but well remunerated”… the reactions were not long in coming. While Julien Doré reminded his fans on his Instagram that the launch of “The Voice Kids” would be held this Saturday, a number of comments “disgusted” by the presence of the artist in this program suddenly hatched. But never mind, the singer did not depart from his legendary humor, specifying: “When I was little, I did not like endive, I never went to a forum of endive-lover commenting that endive is for iech, when in fact, with Roquefort, I really like it.”

By choosing this culinary metaphor, Julien Doré therefore responds to his haters with a hairy sauce by adding: “Tomorrow, I will be your Roquefort, my angry toast.” And above all to thank those who kindly follow him: “Thank you for all your support, my balls of joy.” Because Julien Doré, himself from the tele-hook “La Nouvelle Star” intends to defend tooth and nail his choice to become a juror at “The Voice Kids”, an “incredible, moving and funny” program. who looks like him. Alongside Patrick Fiori, Louane and Kendji Girac, the 40-year-old singer also intends to bring all his followers together: “I’m counting on you, at 9:10 p.m.: you turn on your TV, even if you’re on your balcony. ”A family recipe that he wants to share with as many people as possible because, as he confided to “Télé-Star” in mid-August: “These moments bring us back to our role as parents, to this responsibility vis-à-vis – screw them. It brings a lot of depth to what we experience in this program.” In short, “The Voice Kids” represents a real life experience for this singer who is both cook and… philosopher.

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