Hirsutism (excessive hair growth in women)

What is it about ?

By hirsutism is meant excessive hair growth in women in areas where they are normally present in men, but not in women, such as the face, chest, stomach and limbs. There are two forms of hirsutism: hyperandrogenism and hypertrichosis.


In hyperandrogenism, hair growth is caused by the overproduction of male sex hormones (androgens), which are normally also present in women, but in low amounts.

The possible causes are:


Hypertrichosis is usually associated with hereditary or ethnic factors. It can be made worse by gaining weight and stopping taking hormonal contraceptives. Certain medications can also cause hypertrichosis.

How to recognize it?

In hyperandrogenism, hair grows abnormally in the following areas:

  • face: mustache, beard, cheeks;
  • between the breasts and at the shoulders;
  • the area above the navel and between the pubic hair and the navel;
  • inside the thighs.

In addition, an excess of male hormones can have the following impacts: the voice becomes deeper, the clitoris becomes bigger, hair loss in the front of the head and menstrual disturbances.

In case of hypertrichosis, hair growth is increased everywhere, but especially on the arms and legs. There is no sign of masculinization, and menstruation is going normally.

How is the diagnosis made?

The doctor will first ask you specific questions about when the problem started, if you have gained weight, if you are taking birth control pills, if hair growth continues, if you have fertility problems

If there is a suspicion of increased androgen production (hyperandrogenism), hormones will be measured in the blood. If the doctor thinks of a tumor, you will need to have an imaging test (eg CT scan).

In case of hypertrichosis, no additional examination will be requested.

What can the doctor do?

Appropriate treatment will be started depending on the underlying cause. In case of overweight, it is recommended to try to lose weight.

In the event of polycystic ovary syndrome, it is advisable to take the contraceptive pill. Another option is the administration of hormones that neutralize androgens.

In the rare cases of pituitary gland tumor, uterus or adrenal gland, surgery is usually needed to remove the tumor.

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Foreign clinical practice guide ‘Excessive hair growth (hirsutism)’ (2000), updated on 06.11.2016 and adapted to the Belgian context on 21.04.2019 – ebpracticenet