Hiring of 250 police officers | Plante must respect his commitment, insists the opposition

The official opposition to Montreal city hall insists that Valérie Plante add 250 police officers to the ranks of the Montreal Police Department (SPVM) in order to restore calm to the streets of the metropolis.

Philippe Teisceira-Lessard

Philippe Teisceira-Lessard

Ensemble Montréal once again denounces the change of course of the mayoress, who had suggested (during the election campaign) that she would hire 250 additional police officers, before specifying (after her victory) that the majority of these hires would in fact be used to replace retirements.

Last week, the opposition leader denounced a “first broken promise” just 22 days after the start of the Plante administration’s second term.

Tuesday, his team returned to the front: the mayoress must concretize the commitment as the voters understood it and swell the ranks of the police.

“The fight against armed violence is not easy. We know it. This is precisely why we need these troops, ”said Abdelhaq Sari, opposition spokesperson for public security, at a press conference. “How can we hope to fight [la violence armée] with a lack of staff in the field? “.

Ensemble Montréal, the former party of Denis Coderre, officially asks the administration to rule on the issue at the next municipal council meeting on December 20.

“In politics, breaking promises and disguising reality have harmful consequences on the confidence that citizens place in the political class,” says the motion that the opposition will try to get adopted.

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