highway projects will be frozen


Video length:
1 minute


Article written by

franceinfo – S. Piard, S. Compan, L. Buffet, J. Fantauzzo

France Televisions

As part of the ecological planning plan, announced Monday September 25 by Emmanuel Macron, several motorway projects will be stopped. However, the Minister of Transport did not specify which ones.

There will indeed be a new motorway between Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) and Castres (Tarn). The Minister of Transport, Clément Beaune, confirmed this. On the other hand, he promises the freezing of other projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. “In this age of ecological planning, we cannot do as before“, he declared on France Inter. Out of around fifty projects, around ten could be abandoned. Among the most contested, that of the eastern bypass of Rouen (Seine-Maritime), or a section which, in Arles (Bouches -du-Rhône) would cross a part of the Camargue.

New mobilization against the A69

In the South, the mobilization against the A69 does not weaken. Monday September 25, a demonstration took place in Toulouse, in the presence of scientists who signed a press column, to denounce an outdated transport model. “We cannot negotiate with the climate. Each failed act contributes to a fraction of additional warming, which contributes to increasing risks, which ultimately contributes to suffering and death.”estimates Christophe Cassou, climatologist and co-author of the 6th IPCC report.

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