Highest-grossing films in history | Avatar 2 Surpasses Titanic

Avatar: The Way of Water dethroned titanic at the box office to become the third highest-grossing film in cinema history.

As of February 19, the new installment in the series Avatar generated no less than 2.2433 billion US dollars. It thus exceeds titanicwhich had earned $2.2428 billion in revenue.

The two highest-grossing films, however, remain Avatar (2.92 billion) and Avengers: Endgame (2.7 billion). Canadian director James Cameron therefore won first, second and fourth place in this prestigious list.

Note: one of the reasons for the financial success ofAvatar (both the first and the second part of the series) is based on the fact that a large number of spectators have chosen to see the films in 3D or IMAX version.

The third part of the series Avatar is expected in December 2024. Two other films set in the Na’ vi universe are expected in 2026, then in 2028.

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