Higher motorway toll rates, end of the French Council for the Muslim Worship… The informed of Tuesday, February 1

Every morning, those in the know debate subjects that are or will be the news of the day.

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Around Marc Fauvelle and Renaud Dely, the debaters for Tuesday, February 1 are Nathalie Mauret, political journalist at the Paris office of the Ebra group, which brings together the daily newspapers of eastern France (Progress, The Republican East, etc) and Bruno Dive, newspaper columnist South West.

Should highways be nationalized?

Toll rates increase by an average of 2%. Should highways be nationalized? This price increase is legal because it is indexed to inflation, as provided for in the concession contracts signed between the State and the managers. Only Vinci will freeze its rates on a majority of journeys of less than 50 kilometers. Some presidential candidates are therefore promising to bring the highways back into state control.

What future for the Forum of Islam in France?

– On Saturday, the executive will dissolve the French Council for Muslim Worship (CFCM) for the benefit of a Forum. It is a revolution according to Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior and Worship, who wants to put an end to consular Islam, that is to say, to break ties with money and foreign authorities. Is the organization of Islam in France a sea serpent?

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