high school students debate the issue



Article written by

H. Pozzo, Ch. Vignal, P. Grandouiller, D. Turpin, D. Chevalier – France 3

France Televisions

In its “Second 9” section, the “19/20” of France 3 gives the floor to the students of a high school class Angela Davis of Saint-Denis, in the suburbs of Paris. Sunday, May 15, high school students debate rap and the violence of its lyrics.

“Does rap incite violence?” asks the math teacher Adjmane brahimi to the students of the second class 9 of the high school Angela Davis from Saint Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis). Some will listen to a song and become violent, but for others it will cause nothing at all”answers Oumayma, 15 years old. “It’s just words, it won’t provoke anything in me”, continues Idriss, 15.

Fred Musa, host for 25 years of the radio show “Planète rap” on Skyrockis invited to discuss with the class. A high school student asks him: Is rap more violent than before?“There are politicians who have much harsher words than rappers“, answers Fred Musa. You can watch a movie about robbers without going to rob a bank afterwards.“, he says he used to answer. For the host, rappers create a universe around their songs. A universe resulting from their sometimes violent experience.

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