At the time of his arrest on Thursday morning, two knives and an Islamic State flag were discovered at his home. The National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office says it is “under observation”.
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A high school student was arrested and taken into custody on Thursday, September 12 in the Nantes region (Loire-Atlantique) for having threatened to kill one of his teachers on the social network Telegram, franceinfo learned on Friday from concordant sources, confirming information from the JDD.
According to a source close to the case, this high school student, who attends a school in Rezé in the Nantes metropolitan area, was arrested Thursday morning at his home. The day before, Wednesday, his teacher had caught him simulating a gunshot while he was handing in an assignment. That same evening, he had continued to threaten his teacher with death on the social network Telegram, indicating that he wanted to stab her. At the time of his arrest, two knives and an Islamic State flag were discovered at his home.
For the moment, the National Anti-Terrorism Prosecutor’s Office (Pnat) has not been notified, but indicates to franceinfo that it is “under observation, in conjunction with the Nantes public prosecutor’s office“. The judicial police are, at this stage, in charge of the investigations.