“Hide it, it looks like a monkey”, an emblematic candidate for “Secret Story” reveals the awful messages received when she reveals her daughter’s face!

On a daily basis, Emilie Fiorelli hides nothing from her followers. But the latest news, the young woman has seen better days. To protect her children, the influencer is ready to use drastic means. For several years, the latter have unfortunately been victims of racism on social networks. Stung to the quick, the ex of M’Baye Niang therefore decided to take legal action…

“Ah yeah she’s black from black, it’s borderline shocking in real life […] hide it, it looks like a sign, people will think it’s the one who brings us smallpox”, can we read on one of the messages she received. In the midst of turmoil, Emilie Fiorelli finally came out of her silence to talk about this case. “Good evening, this message to tell you that the identity of the person who has been harassing me and insulting my children for 2 days has been found. It is not Sarah Noé Vasseur, this young woman has nothing to do with it: Her identity has been usurped. His address was stolen.” explained the former candidate of Secret Story.

“As long as I’m the one receiving people’s hate…”

But Emilie Fiorelli does not intend to stop there… Quite the contrary. “The words are so dirty, hurtful, humiliating… and so on that I won’t stop there. The known identity is not enough, I want her to be punished by justice!!! I will go all the way!!! There are fed up with these people who hide behind their phone!!! », the star protested.

As a real mother hen, Emilie Fiorelli strives to best protect her offspring from their detractors… “Don’t worry, I don’t doubt my children. My daughter is beautiful, intelligent and above all kind (with character). I’m not moved by people I don’t know.” she confided on the Web. “The only thing that would hurt me would be meanness from close people or if my daughter suffered direct hatred. As long as I’m the one receiving people’s hate, that’s the main thing […] “.


see also: Meghan Markle – Prince Harry’s girlfriend suffered from racism

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