Hezbollah will pay “high price”, warns Benjamin Netanyahu

Israel will not let “not this murderous attack without response”. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has claimed that Hezbollah “would pay a high price, a price he has never paid before”after a rocket attack from Lebanon on the Golan Heights, which left twelve dead, on Saturday July 27. For its part, the Islamist movement, supporting Hamas in Gaza, denied being the author of the rocket attack on the city of Majdal Shams. Follow our live coverage.

Twelve “young boys and girls” killed. According to a report provided by the Israeli army spokesman, the attack on Majdal Shams, which targeted a soccer field, “caused the death of 12 young boys and girls”. Eighteen other young people were injured, according to emergency services. According to the same spokesperson, This is the strike “the deadliest” against Israeli civilians since the October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas in Israel.

The UN urges restraint. DIn a joint statement by the UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon and the head of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL), the UN urged “the parties to exercise the greatest restraint”. An intensification of the exchange of fire “could trigger a wider conflagration that would engulf the entire region in an unimaginable catastrophe”they added.

Daily gunfire since the October 7 attack. Hezbollah opened a front against Israel on October 8 on their common border and exchanges fire with the Israeli army on a daily basis. An Israeli army commander said Friday that troops in the north of the country, where Israel shares a border with Lebanon, were preparing for a “decisive offensive” against Hezbollah.

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