Hervé and Stéphanie (Love is in the meadow) in Search apartment or house: the farmer spoils the end

Love is in the meadow invites himself into Search apartment or house (M6). This Friday, September 16, 2022 will be broadcast a new with Herve and Stephanie of the 2021 edition. A shoot on which the 43-year-old cow breeder confided in TV Magazine.

It is during the assessment of Love is in the meadow 2021 that it all started. After the lovebirds expressed their desire to buy their house, Karine Le Marchand contacted her friend Stéphane Plaza to give them a hand. A request that the 52-year-old real estate agent accepted, despite the difficulties. The couple indeed had many demands, which made the task difficult. “First of all the distance because I have animals on the farm. So I had to be not far to take care of it, 7 kilometers at the most. I also warned Stéphane that it was not going to be easy because we live in the countryside and that the proposals for houses in the region are quite limited.“, Hervé first confided. He then added that they had a budget of 245,000 euros maximum and that Stéphanie wanted “a bedroom and a bathroom on the ground floor and a house without work“.

After meeting Stéphane Plaza for the first time in front of the cameras of M6, Hervé and Stéphanie went in search of the rare pearl with the presenter. “We first discovered three houses but we were not charmed and none were retained. One had works, the other was fine but it only contained one garage and we didn’t feel it. The third was too big and had 3000 m2 of garden. It was too much cleaning and maintenance“, revealed the farmer. But their fourth visit changed everything (SPOILERS ALERT): “Then, we made a fourth visit and this time it was the right one. We both fell in love with the house.

Hervé and Stéphanie therefore bought it and have even moved in since. Karine Le Marchand also came to see their love nest. “It was in the continuity of our history. She put us in contact with Stéphane Plaza and she came to see if he had done his job well (laughs). It was a nice surprise because Karine is not just anyone…Karine is our godmother of heart, godmother of our love and of our meeting. We’re in touch on Instagram, we follow each other“, declared the Picard who took advantage of his arrival to make a marriage proposal to his dear and tender.

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