Hernán Losada is gradually laying the foundations of his strategy at CF Montreal

In the third week of CF Montreal’s training camp, Hernán Losada is gradually unpacking his game and laying the foundations of what will constitute his strategy for the next season.

If physical condition is still in the spotlight, we are starting to see more tactical development during club training.

This was the case on Wednesday, during a very long training session of 150 minutes held on the artificial lawn of the Olympic Stadium.

“We are still working very hard physically, with a lot of races, as you have seen. But we are starting to address the tactical aspects, said midfielder Samuel Piette. We have not yet gone very far in this aspect, but we touch the ball more, we have played small simulated matches. It’s good to get back to the game and the competition between us. »

“In terms of the tactical plan, we work the same way as last year: five backs, two midfielders and three forwards. It is certain that it can change, we can adapt. The way I see it, we’re going to be a team that wants to apply pressure. I think it’s natural for Argentinians to play aggressively. That’s all I can tell you for now. »

Piette also believes that the more Losada will be at ease with the group, the more we will notice his style and the imprint he wants to impose on his formation.

“For Losada, it’s really new. He takes the time to get to know us, as people and as players. Wilfried [Nancy] already knew us: he had been there for two years and had been a deputy before. It was very similar to what we did with Thierry [Henry]. So he only continued with adding a few things to himself. »

“Hernán has to get to know the group, which he does, continued the noh 6 of CF Montreal. But it’s very intense. I would say that at the physical level, we work more without the ball than what we did with Wilfried. We are starting to get into the tactical aspect, but not too much into the details. I think we’ll do it more in Florida. But there is not too much difference so far. »

And, for the moment at least, the reputation of “executioner” that the Argentine coach carried when he arrived in Montreal seems overrated.

” On the contrary. I think he saw the physical condition the group is in and our professionalism, noted Piette. Maybe the methods he used in DC [avec le D.C. United], he realized he didn’t need it here. The notion of being in shape, of eating well, I think it’s natural [au sein de notre groupe]. I don’t think anyone has discussed with him the things that were wrong with that since he’s been here. »

No confirmation for Torres

It’s an open secret, but the team still haven’t confirmed the departure of midfielder Joaquín Torres to the Philadelphia Union.

For Piette, however, the departure of the 25-year-old Argentinian is not in doubt.

” I talked to him ; what he has done for the club is wonderful. I don’t know if there was an official announcement, but he’s obviously not here. I only wish him the best,” said the Quebecer, who was part of the Canadian team at the last World Cup in Qatar.

Perhaps the most official announcement came from Torres’ own social media, when he uploaded photos of Montreal emblazoned with the word “Thank You.”

Argentinian media even reported that Torres, who scored seven goals and added 12 assists in 55 games over two seasons in Montreal, was going to take part in Union training on Wednesday. In short, a file to follow.

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