Hernan Losada conducts his first practice at the CF Montreal camp

The new synthetic surface at the Olympic Stadium has made CF Montreal players happy, but head coach Hernan Losada would probably have been satisfied even if he had had both feet on the previous one.

Hired by the Montreal team on December 21, Losada led his first training camp on Monday, and he took the opportunity to remind his players how lucky they were to be here, beyond the small pitfalls.

“I told the players that I was very happy to be here. I was unemployed for seven or eight months and I missed it. Sometimes we don’t realize how happy and privileged we are to do something we love. I just wanted to tell them to have fun, enjoy the moment and realize how lucky we are to do what we do,” Losada said.

Upon his arrival with the team, Losada seemed to carry a reputation as a hangman, but no player suffered on the first day of camp. After warming up for about an hour, the Bleu-blanc-noir players were able to test the new surface of the Olympic Stadium.

“Before, the surface wasn’t very expensive, but right now, for synthetics, it’s a good 10 out of 10,” said Quebec midfielder Mathieu Choinière, laughing.

Losada, who had drawn criticism from some players for his practices as DC United head coach, upped the tempo in the final half hour of training and said satisfied with the response and the physical condition of his men.

“It’s a very motivated group with a lot of energy. It was a nice workout. Everyone was in good shape for this first training session. I’m very happy with what I saw from the band,” he said.

On this first day of camp, the 40-year-old Argentinian assured that it was still too early to talk about a tactical plan and to assess the players.

“We are not looking at anything specific at the moment. The idea is to just touch the ball a lot. We don’t want there to be any injuries so we are preparing for more relaxed training, observed Losada. The first week is for adaptation and maybe we will work harder in the second. »

Chances and absences

One of the stories of the day was definitely the absence of veteran Kei Kamara. Losada, however, specified that Kamara was ill and was still in Africa.

“He will come back in the next few days,” said the head coach.

There were also three other major absentees for this first day of camp, but in their case, CF Montreal must give up on a possible return.

The architects of the team’s record success in 2022, Alistair Johnston (in Scotland), Ismaël Koné (in England) and Djordje Mihailovic (in the Netherlands) have all taken the direction of Europe after lucrative transfers.

These departures may change the face of Montreal roster a bit for the 2023 season, but they could also allow some players to take over and have an opportunity to assert themselves.

“That’s how it is in professional sports. There are always players leaving and others arriving. It is despite everything the same mentality every year at the beginning of the camp. We arrive on the pitch and we work hard. It’s going to be different with a new head coach, but you try to control what you can control. Everyone is going to try to improve,” said forward Mason Toye.

Choinière could be one of the players who benefit from this. Under Wilfried Nancy, the Quebecer has 24 starts in 2021 and 15 starts in 2022 and he hopes to convince Losada that he can do the job in midfield.

“It is the objective to be starting week after week, he insisted. I want to play as many minutes as possible and I want to help the team. I know I can play anywhere. I will try to show Hernan what I can do during the preparatory calendar and during the season. I must take my chance. »

The Returning Captain

CF Montreal still learned good news last Friday, when veteran midfielder Victor Wanyama signed a two-year contract to return to the team’s fold.

Wanyama, one of the pillars of the Montreal troupe since his arrival in 2020, was on the field Monday, to the delight of his head coach and his teammates.

“I am very happy with Victor’s return. He’s our captain, he’s known here, he loves the city and he’s a very important player for us,” Losada insisted.

“It’s very good for the chemistry in the group. Victor is a guy who brings everyone together, he is a captain and a leader. I am happy to be able to share the field with him for several years,” added Choinière.

Defenders George Campbell and Aaron Herrera, acquired during the off-season, also participated in this first day of camp.

CF Montreal will train at the Olympic Stadium until February 4 before flying to Florida.

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