Here’s why Gemini is considered the most hypocritical sign of the zodiac!

Liar, manipulator, mythomaniac, lunatic… Unfortunately for Gemini, this native suffers from many prejudices which undoubtedly explain why, like Scorpio, this sign is one of the most feared signs and necessarily the least appreciated by the zodiac.

Among these “defects” that are attributed to those born between May 21 and June 21, hypocrisy is probably above the list… It remains to be determined whether this native is truly a person who pretends to be to have values, ideas, feelings that she does not have in reality by simple vice or if it is just a way of pleasing those around her! Explanations.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

Very talkative and sociable, the Gemini tends to have many friends and to meet one after the other… Indeed, this native likes to make new friends! And for that, he does not hesitate to show himself in his best light! A need to be liked which often pushes him to do too much, such as when he exaggerates his anecdotes to make the gallery laugh… A behavior which does not make him a hypocrite, but which is only the consequence of a lack of self-confidence. Indeed, Gemini tends to think that they have to do a lot to be appreciated.

Moreover, in return, this native is not really the type to opt for a truth that hurts in favor of a lie that gives pleasure! Therefore, if you want a sincere opinion on your new haircut, for example, there is no need to ask this native who will seek above all to please you… And there again, the Gemini has no bad intentions, if he is being hypocritical in this situation, it’s just to be sure not to hurt others…

Thus, this often demonized astrological sign is really just a person who wants to be loved above all else.

See also: Your astro love week!


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