here is the technique of a sex therapist that you will not do without!

If you were recently told about the “labello challenge” disaster on TikTok, the social network is not all bad, far from it. Between beauty tips and fashion advice of all kinds, there are even videos to spice up your sexuality. Like the “4 minutes of preliminaries” by American sex therapist Dr. Janet Brito.

In a video with more than 6 million likes, she explains how to have more sensations during a sexual intercourse, foreplay at the center of pleasure. The principle of “4 minutes of foreplay” is simple: just start a timer for 4 minutes, during which you do what you want to your partner. Once the time is up, the roles are reversed. “4-minute foreplay works for couples who are comfortable with adventure. The novelty helps spice up the relationship and rediscover each other”, says the specialist. Games, toys, fellatio, cunnilingus… Let your imagination run wild and surprise your partner.

@triteamunlimited Another sex tip from Vernita! #MyColoredHair#JuntosImparables#FordMaverick♬ happier – Olivia Rodrigo

Without forgetting one thing, obvious: consent. We have the right to do what we want to the other, always respecting what he or she accepts. For that, we rely on upstream communication, we talk about our expectations and our limits, we listen and take into account those of the other. Then, according to the sex therapist, we put in place a “safe word”, which we translate into a “safe word”, to use when we want to stop.

Antoine FM

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