Here is the most lying astrological sign in the zodiac!

Stubborn like a Taurus, manipulative like a Scorpio or even conceited like a Leo… Each astrological sign has its nasty little flaw and obviously, the sign of Gemini is no exception! The proof, the third sign of the zodiac is reputed to be the most lying of the zodiac …

Gemini (May 21 – June 21): the king of lies by omission!

Very sociable by nature, Gemini loves to make new friends … This is why this astrological sign will do everything to show himself in his best light when he meets someone, even if it means embellishing certain anecdotes about him or even inventing details for make his stories funnier!

In addition, this very emphatic astrological sign will always tend to prefer to tell a lie that pleases rather than a truth that hurts! The reason ? This native is simply scared at the idea of ​​passing for the bad guy …

Likewise, Gemini is the king of lies by omission … To avoid saying something that could cause inconvenience to others, this native practices what is also called the “diplomatic lie”! Find a good excuse to decline an invitation, pretend not to have seen your message in order not to answer it, voluntarily concealing part of the truth from his interlocutor… Gemini is good at circumventing the truth! However, rest assured, this astrological sign does not have a bad background at all, on the contrary! Moreover, always keep in mind his lies are for him a way of protecting those around him …


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