Here is the most jealous astrological sign of the zodiac… Especially when he is in a relationship!

If some astrological signs are known not to be jealous or even possessive at all… A native beats all records in the field! Indeed, if you were born between October 24 and November 22, you are much more likely to have a jealous temperament… Especially when you are in a relationship! Public explains why!

An astrological sign that tends to imagine the worst!

Water sign par excellence, Scorpio tends to be someone very sensitive… However, unlike his little comrades who are also Water signs like Pisces or Cancer, this native has a lot of trouble expressing his emotions and to trust!

Very suspicious, this astrological sign tends to ponder a lot and expect the worst… Frightened at the idea of ​​being betrayed, the latter has a lot of trouble trusting, and generally, when they get into a relationship, his tendency to be “paranoid” is exacerbated!

Searching through your mobile phone when your back is turned, making you think every time you mention a person of the opposite sex, questioning you about the slightest of your outings… If you are in a relationship with a Scorpio, the latter may well to become oppressive… And especially if you don’t reassure him!

In a relationship with an astrological sign that is far too independent like Aquarius or Gemini, Scorpio could also go out of its hinges and suspect you of the worst: infidelity!

Fortunately, with a Water sign like Pisces or Cancer, this native will be much more peaceful. And for good reason, these warm and gentle astrological signs will put an end to the suspicions of this native full of imagination!


See also: Here is the smartest astrological sign according to a study!

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