here is the health protocol in the polling stations for the elections of April 10 and 24

The presidential campaign is disrupted by the war in Ukraine and the Covid-19 pandemic. In an attempt to contain the latter, when a large part of the health measures were lifted on March 14, the Ministry of the Interior unveiled the health protocol to be followed for the polls on Sunday April 10 and Sunday April 24.

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No proof of vaccination or certificate of recovery required

Access to polling stations will be without health constraints. “No of the following documents may be required of voters and persons participating in the organization or conduct of the ballot: proof of vaccination, certificate of recovery or completion of a virological test”writes the Ministry of the Interior.

No gauge in the polling stations

Place Beauvau specifies that “the number of voters per polling station is not limited”. However, access to the polling station can be regulated and entry and exit must be separated to avoid crowded situations.

Wearing a mask not compulsory but “highly recommended”

The Minister of the Interior announces that “wearing a mask and the rules of physical distance are not compulsory in the polling stations”. However, he points out that “Wearing a mask is strongly recommended” for certain categories of people. He mentioned “the elderly, immunocompromised, chronically ill and fragile, as well as for their caregivers”, “symptomatic people”, “people with risky contact cases”, “people who have tested positive for Covid-19, up to 7 days after their release from isolation”.

Surgical masks will be made available “in all polling stations” for people who want to wear it. The ministry notes that“voters wearing a mask may be asked to remove it briefly to verify their identity”.

A hand washing point, ventilation and barrier gestures

Recalling that hand washing remains “an essential barrier measure”the Ministry of the Interior ensures that a “a hand washing point or hydro-alcoholic gel” will be made available. For “avoid the crossing of flows”he specifies that two points will be set up in each office.

Materials (such as pens, storage, ballot boxes and voting booths) “will be cleaned frequently during the ballot”, says the ministry. A ventilation rule for the polling station has also been defined: “ten minutes every hour or as indicated by the CO2 sensors if the room is equipped with them.”

Self-tests available for participants

“For persons taking part in the organization or conduct of the ballot who
would like, self-tests will finally be made available”, also announces the Ministry of the Interior. He notes that all of these measures “could, if necessary, be adjusted according to the evolution of the health situation”.

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