“Here is the cuisine of my countries” by the Federation of Protestant Mutual Aid

The Federation of Protestant Mutual Aid Grand Est, supported by UEPAL, Union of Protestant Churches of Alsace and Lorraine, organizes the reception of refugees in private homes. To highlight initiatives of solidarity and hospitality, our Federation has published a book of recipes and meetings “Here is the cuisine of my countries”.

This intercultural cookbook, with the support of the Association Action Chrétienne en Orient, the City of Strasbourg and the DIAIR, for the benefit of its refugee reception project.

The work is introduced by Frédéric Rognon, professor of the philosophy of religions at the University of Protestant Theology of Strasbourg. Recipes, life stories and art photos follow one another nicely through the pages.

Two people, two cultures, two recipes that echo each other – one from here, the other from elsewhere – portraits and dishes staged by plastic photographer Jacqueline Trichard. Around the meal, the guests (cooks and local witnesses) told their stories of welcoming and welcoming.

We opened the doors to our kitchens together, convinced that meeting around a table helps to deconstruct prejudices. Coming from Afghanistan, Syria, Georgia or elsewhere, our hosts shared their recipes and memories with us. Over the course of the appetites that this book inevitably arouses, everyone discovers how citizens, volunteers, parishioners, implement solidarity and fraternity in the service of people who have had to flee their country and seek landmarks in their new land of. Home.

Our wish is that our readers daringly embark on the realization of these recipes from here or elsewhere but, even more, that they discover the infinite richness of hospitality and the joy of welcoming everyone to their table. those who, from another culture, have so much to teach us.

Price: 15 €

The site of the Federation of Protestant Mutual Aid Grand Est.

1b quai Saint Thomas

67000 Strasbourg

Phone: 03 88 25 90 42

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