here is how the debate between Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen will take place on April 20 at 9 p.m.

The terms are now known. The traditional debate between the two rounds of the presidential election will be held on Wednesday April 20 from 9 p.m., France Télévisions announced on Thursday April 14. The debate, scheduled to last a little over two hours, will be moderated by journalists Gilles Bouleau, regular presenter of TF1’s “20 heures”, and Léa Salamé, a known face on France 2 political broadcasts and presenter of “Elysée 2022. “during this election campaign.

>> Presidential 2022: follow the campaign between the two rounds live

This televised contest will be co-produced and co-broadcast by the two channels. The show will also be available on LCI and franceinfo channel 27. It will be produced by Didier Froehly.

By next Wednesday, a few details still need to be settled, such as the possibility or not of broadcasting split screens, shots that simultaneously show the two candidates, in particular the gestures and reactions of the candidate who does not have the floor.

At each presidential election, the debate between the two finalists is one of the most anticipated moments of the between-two-rounds. Only four days before the second round, the 2022 edition will be particularly scrutinized, especially since it will be the one and only confrontation of the campaign between the outgoing president and the candidate of the National Rally. The polls also suggest a much tighter second round than five years ago on the evening of April 24.

The 2017 debate, which brought together the same two candidates, had largely turned to Emmanuel Macron’s advantage, by Marine Le Pen’s own admission. Observers had partly attributed to the course of this debate the extent of the victory of the candidate En Marche, who had won with 66.1% of the vote against his rival (33.9%).

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