“Here in the Pitch,” Jessica Pratt

Somewhere between our New Brunswick Hay Babies and a post-Bangles Susanna Hoffs, Jessica Pratt’s albums nestle in a kind of neo-hippie folk-pop song that doesn’t smell too much of patchouli. This fourth album from the thirty-something from San Francisco, based in Los Angeles, is particularly enjoyable, a bit hallucinogenic (just enough). Celestial harmonies, captivating ambiances, soaring arrangements like the Wrecking Crew (the famous session musicians from LA) concocted for Nancy Sinatra, Priscilla Paris, Claudine Longet and other enchantresses of the second half of the 1960s. We slackened everywhere when vocalizations and tuba intertwine in Better Hate. The exquisite World on a String is a real picnic in the grass (the one we smoke): go watch the idyllic clip. We are under the sun exactly in Get Your Head Out, dream boss. And so on. It’s officially this spring’s favorite album, you could make it your summer.

Click here to view an excerpt.

Here in the Pitch

★★★★ 1/2


Jessica Pratt, Mexican Summer

To watch on video

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