HERE ARTV | The world [des mots] according to David Goudreault

The love of words is a bit in the DNA of author, slammer and poet David Goudreault. It’s also at the center of his new TV project, titled of the world and of wordsa series of four episodes that he will host on ICI ARTV from May 6th.

Posted at 10:41 a.m.

Luc Boulanger

Luc Boulanger
The Press

David Goudreault will meet individuals from different backgrounds across Quebec who have drawn on the literary world to give meaning to their lives. In the first episode, we talk about the importance of transmission through different generations of literary passion.

“During its encounters all over Quebec with people, young and old, whose lives have been transformed by reading or writing, the series makes us discover moving works that fit in, authors and authors who feel and tell,” explains the press release from the broadcaster.

The series is directed by Marie Carpentier and produced by Pamplemousse Media.

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