here are the traffic forecasts at SNCF, RATP and in the air sector for this Thursday, March 9

On average, two out of five TERs will run in France, as well as one out of three TGVs.

Another difficult day for public transport users. Traffic will be further disrupted on Thursday March 9 due to the strike against the pension reform. At the SNCF, on average, two out of five TERs will run in France, as well as one out of three TGVs. Public transport traffic will also be limited in Ile-de-France, announces the RATP. Finally, 20 to 30% of flights will be canceled in the air sector.

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At the SNCF

Train traffic will remain “strongly disturbed”, Thursday, announces the SNCF, in a press release. On average, two out of five TER will circulate in Franceas well as’one out of three TGVs. In detail, one out of three TGV Ouigo will circulate throughout France. One out of two TGV Inoui will run on the East and South-East axis. One in three TGV Inoui will run on the Atlantic axis. Two out of five TGV Inoui will run on the North axis. Finally, only one TGV in ten will circulate from province to province, according to the SNCF.

Re the Intercitiesonly one in four trains will run on average in France and no night trains will run.

Re SNCF traffic in Ile-de-Francethree out of four trains will run for THE RER Aone in two trains for RER B and Eone in three trains for RER Cand one in five trains only for the RER D. The Transilien will count between one train in two and one in five, depending on the lines.

In transport in Ile-de-France

In a press release published on Wednesday, the RATP announced that traffic will be disrupted on Thursday on the metro network, almost normal on RER A and very disrupted on RER B, due to the strike. Traffic will be normal on the bus and tram networks.

In the metro, traffic will be normal on lines 1, 3bis, 4, 7bis and 14. He will be “almost normal” on line 9 all day.

On lines 2 and 11, traffic will be almost normal in the morning, while two out of three trains will run in the afternoon. On line 3, one in two trains will run in the morning and one in three in the afternoon. On line 5, traffic will be normal in the morning and three out of four trains will run in the afternoon. On line 6, three out of four trains will run in the morning and two out of three in the afternoon. On line 7two out of three trains will run all day.

On the other hand, on line 8, only one in three trains will run. On line 10half of the trains will run.

On line 11, traffic will be almost normal in the morning and two out of three trains will run in the afternoon. On line 12, traffic will be almost normal in the morning and two out of three trains will run in the afternoon. On line 12one in two trains will run between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m.

Re the RERtraffic will be almost normal on line Awith three trains out of four, and very disrupted on line B with an average of one out of two trains at peak times and two out of three trains at off-peak times. The interconnection is interrupted at the Gare du Nord.

In the airline industry

The Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGAC) in France has demanded airlines give up 20 to 30% of their flights on Thursday and Friday, like the two previous days, due to the strike by air traffic controllers opposed to pension reform.

This social movement forced the DGAC to ask carriers to “reduce their flight schedule by 20% at Paris-Charles-de-Gaulle airport and by 30% at Paris-Orly, Beauvais, Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon, Nantes, Marseille, Montpellier, Nice and Toulouse airports “, she announced in a press release. The share of canceled flight schedules and the airports affected are exactly the same as for Tuesday and Wednesday.

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