Here are the tips to avoid gaining weight this winter (and all year long at the same time)!

In winter we tend to eat more and let go, because the cold will involve more energy expenditure to maintain a good body temperature. Eating in larger quantities will therefore allow us to fight against the cold, this process is called thermoregulation !

If gyms or group classes are not for you, then count on the NEAT!

But what is NEAT? These are the calories you will burn in everyday life, outside of your workouts. It’s great, right? Talking, digesting, walking, climbing stairs when you go to appointments! All this represents an energy expenditure and therefore a loss of calories! Don’t become a chatterbox though.

So take pleasure in moving during the day, at home and outside. Tell yourself that this will save you having to go to the gym, but it is above all good for your health because YOU MOVE! So do not hesitate to pace around at home, outside or even at work, while on the phone for example, rather than sitting at your desk.

Prefer walking rather than driving!

We can never tell you enough, if your journeys are short, between 5 and 15 minutes on foot, then do not take the car or public transport. Think about the planet, how much gas you’ll save and the calories you’ll burn. And then, we’re not going to lie to each other, breathing the fresh air feels great, even in winter. In addition, the cold is an anti-aging ally! so what are you waiting for?

Eat better without dieting!

Eat colorful, varied fruits and vegetables, but choose seasonal products, they will be better! Choose soups to warm you up without feeling guilty.

The goal, unlike the diet, is to eat a bit of everything! Do not deprive yourself but be reasonable, by reducing the usual amounts of your indulgences and use the famous NEAT daily to keep a stable weight, you can even slim down and all this without frustration!

Finding the right balance between physical activity and your diet

The secret to staying in shape in winter and avoiding dieting for the rest of the year is to find a balance between the amount of calories you take in (roughly or via free apps) and your calories out. It is therefore adapted to your personal profile, in relation to and according to your habits.

The rule is simple : It’s up to you to adjust if necessary, by increasing your caloric expenditure and/or reducing the quantity on your plate, for example a good generous pasta dish with sauce? Do not remove your favorite dish from your menu but reduce the amount of pasta, you will automatically reduce the amount of sauce and grated cheese.

In short, if your diet is too rich in sweet and/or salty foods, especially in winter, you know what you have to do!

Replace certain ingredients during your preparations!

Don’t stop eating the good things you love for fear of getting fat! You can find thousands of alternatives by changing two or three small things in your recipes. For example, you can replace the flour with previously mixed oat flakes, use dark chocolate rather than milk chocolate, put honey or agave syrup to replace the sugar in your favorite cake!

Prepare your meals in advance!

During the week, between studies, work and children, we are sometimes lazy to cook ourselves. We will then tend to go to the applications to have food delivered to our door. It’s fast and good, BUT! If you prepare your dishes in advance over two or three days, during your weekend for example? Not only will it be a bit of time for you, but it will also be ready and above all much healthier than an ordered dish, it’s not the pizza or the burger that will tell you otherwise!

Come on let’s move, we make good vegetables in the pan or steamed with beautiful turkey cutlets or minced steaks that we will distribute in several tupperware and that we keep for the week.

Keep some good snacks on hand!

Did you know that in this season, nuts are your allies? Rich in magnesium, vitamins, minerals and much more… They have antioxidant (fight against aging) and anti-inflammatory properties!

The pickle is an asset for your health, it is low in calories with only 11 calories per 100 grams! It has a high content of dietary fiber, vitamin B9 and beta-carotene. It contributes to digestive well-being and prevents certain chronic pathologies.

There you go, you now have everything to keep your figure and take care of yourself!

Jeanette Atme Daou

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