After French and mathematics on Monday, nearly 870,000 college students are working on the final diploma tests on Tuesday.
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Last straight line for college students. Third-grade students pass, Tuesday, June 27, the final written tests of the patent, with history-geography and science. In total, 867,182 candidates are registered in mainland France and in the overseas departments and regions. Some 777,214 candidates compete in the general series and 89,968 in the professional series, according to the Ministry of Education.
>> Certificate: discover the subjects of French and mathematics on which the students worked
Here are the history-geography and moral and civic education subjects submitted to students on Tuesday morning. In the general series, they were interrogated in particular on their knowledge of the First World War and on “low density spaces”such as mountains or rural areas.
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The college students in the professional series had to answer an exercise on cross-border work between France and Luxembourg, or even a subject on “Europe, a major theater of total wars (1914-1945)”. Answer keys are available on Lumni.
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Sea level and the Asian hornet in science
In the afternoon, the students then worked for an hour on the science test (physics-chemistry, life and earth sciences, technology). In the general series, the 3rd year pupils had to answer a physics-chemistry problem on the rise in sea level, and an SVT exercise on the reproduction of a seaweed.
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