Some people look forward to winter and others dread it because they know, among other things, that winter will bring its share of unpleasant symptoms.
In winter, the feeling of stress and the feeling of fatigue are felt more intensely because in winter there is less light and the days are shorter. Sometimes, we even deprive ourselves of dressing as we wish for fear of being cold or catching cold, we go out less, we withdraw into ourselves…
Differences between seasonal blues and winter blues
According to figures for 2021, it is estimated that in France 5% of people suffer from seasonal depression where the symptoms will alter daily life. While for the winter blues there will not be a real impact on daily life, it affects one in three people.
The reasons for these phenomena
Reducing exposure to natural light plays an important role in our psyche and our organism. The level of serotonin, which is the hormone of happiness, is influenced by exposure to the sun. When there is a deficiency or decrease in serotonin it causes sadness, irritability, fatigue, loss of motivation and a feeling of lethargy, as well as other appetite-related symptoms.
As you will have understood, this impacts our biological clock by modifying our mood and hormone production, but it can also disrupt our blood pressure!
A diet rich in vitamin D and omega 3
To remedy the lack of sunlight, certain foods are rich in vitamin D such as sardines, salmon, porcini mushrooms, dairy products, dark chocolate, egg yolks. Omega 3 fatty acids are essential for the brain and the proper functioning of the nervous system. Bet on nuts, hazelnuts, tuna, salmon, mackerel, green vegetables, sesame, poppy seed…
Did you know ? Some foods contain tryptophan which promotes the production of serotonin such as in eggs, chocolate, turkey, legumes, brown rice and dairy products!
Avoid a sedentary lifestyle
And yes it is known, the more you will withdraw into yourself and stay at home, the more you will feel alone and tired! Regular practice of sport helps to ward off stress, anxiety and fatigue. The brain will secrete endorphins which will cause a feeling of well-being and relief.
Positive mind and attitude
It may seem complicated at first, but being optimistic and seeing the good side of winter will help you to de-dramatize the situation and at the same time can reduce the intensity of the symptoms felt. There are apps for learning breathing and relaxation techniques.
Light therapy
You can try light therapy, which are lights that mimic sunlight. The goal ? Expose yourself for 30 to 90 minutes daily. The effects would be multiple: improvement of mood and rebalancing of the cycles of wakefulness and sleep. There is a less expensive way, the dawn simulator is a soft light with an alarm clock that can reproduce when waking up (sunrise) or before sleeping (sunset).
It is important to make the difference between seasonal depression and seasonal depression which lasts over several weeks/months and which may require medical support. If this handicaps you too much or you are worried about someone close to you, know that there are psychiatrists trained in seasonal disorders.
Jeanette Atme Daou