here are the certificates on honor on D + 2 and D + 4

The health protocol in schools requires parents to test their children on D + 2 and D + 4 if they are contact cases. They must then present a sworn certificate to the school. Franceinfo offers you models to download.

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It has become the sesame for the return to class when a student is in contact. To prove that their child is indeed negative for Covid-19, parents must now, according to the new health protocol in force, perform a self-test on their offspring on D + 2 and D + 4 then sign a sworn certificate to be presented. at school. To help you in this process, franceinfo offers models to download and complete.

Click here to download the sworn statement on D + 2.

Click here to download the sworn statement on D + 4.

This heavy protocol had been relaxed for the first time, a few days after its entry into force. The first version planned to start the testing process over for each new positive case in a class. This course will now be valid for the week, even if new positive cases are detected in the class in the days following the first case.

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