My spies, surely knocked out by the bad fancy fentanyl sold in STATslept by gas, like the voluble Julien de If we loved each other after a couple of glasses of Alberta wine.
Fortunately, the torpor of November did not completely anesthetize them and these faithful collaborators brought me precious nuggets from Panama, where the second season of the reality TV show was filmed this summer. Get me out of here! of VAT.
For those who live in a cave like the one visited by Simon and Mia in ODthis popular show, which derives from the British concept I’m a Celebrity…Get Me Out of Here!parachute 10 local stars into the heart of the jungle, without access to the amenities of glamping, let’s say. Campers sleep under the stars on crude cots, subsist on white rice and black beans, and endure disgusting ordeals halfway between Fort Boyard And Survivor.
At the end of August, TVA confirmed that comedian Rosalie Vaillancourt, host Dave Morissette and skateboarder Sébastien Toutant, known as Seb Toots, had taken part in the second chapter of Get me out of here!
According to my moles, the host and comedian Alex Perron, the columnist Sophie Durocher, the host Patricia Paquin, the comedian Philippe Laprise, the actress Audrey Roger and the ex-host Clodine Desrochers have also joined the co-hosts of the show , Jean-Philippe Dion and Alexandre Barrette, in Central America.
The production of Get me out of here! prohibits competitors from speaking publicly about their experience before the broadcast of the episodes, scheduled for this winter on TVA. And the party line – or the code of silence? – was respected.
Contacted on Wednesday, Alex Perron denied having participated in Get me out of here! 2, but admitted “that he would have liked to be part of it”. Clodine Desrochers told me that this was “false information”. The agency representing Philippe Laprise was unable to confirm or deny my information. Sophie Durocher did not respond to an interview request, while the agents of Patricia Paquin and Audrey Roger (Flavie in Red braceletss) gave no sign of life.

The presence of Rosalie Vaillancourt was confirmed in August by the production of the show.
For those who are wondering: Clodine Desrochers, who was the queen of TVA mornings with Clodine’s seasonsnow works as an account and business development manager for the Biron group, which specializes, among other things, in laboratory tests.
The first season of Get me out of here!seen by 1.6 million people, brought together the Dr François Marquis of On call 24/7, the actress Livia Martin, the chef Jean Michel Leblond, the actor Deano Clavet, the dancer Rahmane Belkebiche, the Olympian Marianne St-Gelais, the comedian Jean-François Mercier, the singer Nathalie Simard, the presenter Colette Provencher as well as singer Andréanne A. Malette, crowned queen of the jungle in the last episode. The team then pitched its tents in Costa Rica.

Andréanne A. Malette, winner of the first season
The second vintage of SGet me out of here! brings together more strong personalities, I think. How will these people – already very expressive – react when they are hungry, exhausted and frightened by snakes and other disgusting critters? This risks causing sparks, which comes in handy when you have to make a fire in the tropical rain, without matches or a lighter.
Another advantage of the distribution of Get me out of here! 2 : the names are well enough known to prevent candidates (hello, Rahmane!) from not recognizing their comrades in the first episode. Faintness. Who is he again? Why doesn’t his face come back to me? It won’t happen this year.
I am also told that the level of the tests Get me out of here! would have been upgraded, an excellent decision. Some challenges in the first chapter, such as assessing the length of a vine or measuring the quantity of water in an aquarium, were really too simple and easy. Especially when compared to the complicated puzzles and giant modules of Survivor Quebec at Noovo.
Like Everybody talks about it, Masked singers, Revolution, Big Brother Celebrities, The voice Or Live from the universe, Get me out of here is one of the essential shows which have – until now – escaped the erosion of audience ratings and the dispersion on digital platforms. And unlike drama series which catch up in bursts, Get me out of here! watches each other live, for fear that a website or Facebook page will reveal the name of the excluded person of the day.
We are not having a marathon of Get me out of here! during the holiday season. We sit in front of our TV every Sunday evening to follow the adventures of our happy castaways. Small week, like in the good old days.
There is something reassuring to see that our television, which is currently going through a major crisis, is still creating large gatherings. We receive communion at Guy A. Lepage’s high mass, we conjecture on the identity of the mascots with Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge and we experience a group moment, all together, each in their living room.
These event programs revive discussions around the coffee machine, which are lost with fiction series, because no one is at the same place in their consumption of the episodes.
As long as traditional television produces this type of unifying campfire, it will survive, Nostradumas believes.