Here are some tips to avoid heatstroke

Faced with heat waves, the City of Montreal reminds us that it is important to drink six to eight glasses of water a day, to favor cool places and advises to wear light-colored clothing.

• Read also: Today’s weather: Humidex over 40 in southern Quebec

• Read also: On social networks, misinformation based on weather maps

Do not wait until you are thirsty, rest for at least two hours in a cool, air-conditioned place or in the shade to help your body regain its temperature, wear light, light-colored clothing, reduce his physical efforts especially in the middle of the day, take a cool shower or bath, cool off with a wet towel…

These are the basic instructions shared by the City of Montreal on its internet to deal with high temperatures.

Citizens are also invited to call to hear from their loved ones, in particular the elderly or vulnerable.

Heat warning in Outaouais

While Environment Canada has issued a heat warning for the Outaouais region over the next few days, the Public Health Department of the Outaouais Integrated Health and Social Services Center (CISSS) also wanted to remind certain prevention instructions in a press release issued on Tuesday.

The CISSS thus explained that the main symptoms of dehydration were intense thirst, unusual fatigue, headaches, dizziness, swelling in the hands, feet and ankles and muscle cramps.

“If left untreated, the condition can worsen, possibly progressing to heat stroke which can be recognized by elevated body temperature, confusion and fainting. Heatstroke is a medical emergency.

The CISSS recommends avoiding alcoholic and sugary drinks, and those containing caffeine, closing curtains and blinds when the sun is shining, and ventilating if possible when the night is cool.

Going outside should be done during the coolest periods of the day. Of course, never leave a child or baby alone in a car or a poorly ventilated room, even for a few minutes.

Faced with the sun, sunglasses to protect your eyes are strongly recommended, as is applying a suitable sunscreen every two hours and after each swim.

If you feel unwell or have questions about your health, call Info-Santé at 811.

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