Here are 10 amazing statements from James William Awad during his press briefing

A month after causing a scandal, the controversial James William Awad announces that he intends to sue Sunwing after partying with a hundred Quebeckers drinking alcohol and vaping on the carrier’s plane.

• Read also: [EN IMAGES] Party on a plane: James William Awad to sue Sunwing

• Read also: The Quebec “Tiger King”: an American documentary series in the works on James William Awad

Here are some key moments from this unusual press briefing that took place on Thursday morning.

1- Why did you choose to put six flags behind you, including those of Canada, Quebec and the United States. Heads of state usually do this. Do you have political ambitions?

“I don’t think I’m in politics right now, but you never know for the future.”

2- When asked why he associates with a “fraudster” in business:

“I see life in a decentralized way. Everyone has the right to a second chance in life. I think we’re talking about something that happened 12 or 13 years ago. Everyone has the right to rebuild their life. All that matters is the present and the future.”

3- When asked why he sneaked into Canada in a cube truck:

“It was an adventure. […] I went from Mexico to Miami. I went to Disneyland for the first time in my life and I advise everyone to go to Disneyland, it’s really fun! Then I went to New York for a day.

4- TVA Nouvelles journalist Yves Poirier stands up and indicates that James William Awad did not answer his colleague Félix Séguin’s question.

“Have you ever been worried by the authorities, known to the police for matters that appear to be fraud? -No”

5- How many employees do you have here at your office (in Ville Saint-Laurent)?

“We have just moved and we will start the renovations in no time. When the renovations are completed, we are talking about a hundred employees.

6- Why are you breaking the rules and acting so wildly? Do you piss off the neighbors?

“If I want to buy houses, build my little ‘resort’, and I want to put sculptures in front of my house, everyone has their vision and their choices. You have to respect my wishes. If we talk about the neighbors we saw in the media, well it’s funny because before the media, me and the neighbors said hello! I even bought a scooter for their children!”

7- Concerning the statues in front of his residence

“It’s not my face on the statues. I put this to demonstrate the function of the house. For example, in front of the studio house, there is a statue with a microphone in his hands. It’s something that I put in a video game and I was inspired by the video game.

8- What did you think when Justin Trudeau called you an Ostrogoth?

“He is our Prime Minister and I respect him. I understand why he felt that way. He wants us to be safe, he wants us to stay healthy. I don’t have much to say about what he said. »

9- Do you have any financial advice for me, Mr. Yves Poirier and the people who work for years trying to raise money and we are not able to magically accumulate millions of dollars?

“I’m not a financial adviser, but what I can say is the truth in everything: do what you love. Just because you do what you love doesn’t mean you’re going to make money, that’s for sure. It all depends on your view of things.”

10- Do you believe in the vaccine and in COVID?

“Yes, but I disagree with the curfew (curfew).”

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