Hérault construction companies join forces with Pôle emploi to recruit

It is a significant signature for the Pôle emploi agency of Saint-Jean de Védas (Hérault). The renewal of a partnership started in 2021 with two federations of building professionals. With a simple goal in words: “concrete employment in the sector”. And for good reason, business leaders in the sector are finding it increasingly difficult to recruit: 59% report difficulties in filling their job offers. 16 points more than all sectors combined.

Currently, nearly 400 offers are to be filled, only in the metropolis of Montpellier.

To remedy this, Pôle emploi, the Hérault Building Federation and Capeb (union of small businesses) want to collaborate. Twice a month, meetings will be organized between job seekers and professionals construction. A way of being “more concrete” what about an adviser “who is not an expert in everything”explains Frédéric Puyo, the director of the Pôle emploi of Saint-Jean de Védas.

The next meeting will take place on Tuesday 10 May at the Pôle emploi agency in Saint-Jean de Védas.

aging profession

Another phenomenon amplifies recruitment needs: the aging of construction workers. From now on, 1 employee out of 10 retires each year. Must therefore “attract young people” according to Michel Marty, president of the Hérault Building Federation. It organizes site visits for this purpose. A unique opportunity to “raise vocations”. “Because by asking an employee directly: ‘How much do you earn?’ We are in the real world.”

A dedicated team

Another aspect: better understand the needs of recruiters. For this, 6 advisors are now dedicated to listening to business leaders. The creation of this pool must lead to a mbetter guidance for job seekers in their training requestsas Hadda Shili explains.

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