her two children boycott her without batting an eyelid!

30 years ago, fiction Helen and the boys landed on the first channel. Hélène Rollès (Hélène), Patrick Puydebat (Nicolas) or even Philippe Vasseur (José) to name but a few wore the famous series with panache. “It was huge from the first episode. We didn’t expect it, it was crazy! »confided Hélène Rollès for TV Major Channels. “We really experienced this whirlwind together. They are friends, people I respect. patrick [Puydebat, ndlr.] is one of my best buddies”.

At the time, the main interested party also launched into music before falling back into anonymity. To this day, the actress is taking full advantage of her life away from the spotlight. However, her admirers were able to find her in the mysteries of love on TMC. But according to her words, her old hits do not seem to move her two children June and Marcus – from Ethiopia – whom she adopted.

“They didn’t realize my success…”

“They don’t listen to my songs”, she confessed to MelodyTV.“They are rather Master Gims and the singers of today”. Nevertheless, her offspring had the honor of seeing her at the Olympia. “They did not realize my success, they were surprised to see that all the public who sang my songs”, explained the star. For his part, his son Marcus prefers to indulge in rap.

“He is happy, he has the right to say swear words in his songs” added the not a little proud actress. A passion she follows closely. Younger, Hélène Rollès also loved countless groups that broke the codes. Like AC/DC, Telephone or even Trust. “ I loved NTM and I really liked my Benz”remembered the artist a bit nostalgic and to add: “I went to see them in concert! They were great”.


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