At 37, Cédric Grolet is one of the most famous pastry chefs in the world. Renowned for its essential trompe-l’oeil creationsthe renowned chef obtained a pastry chef-chocolatier-glacier CAP obtained in Puy-en-Velay in 2002. After passing another technical certificate at the National School of Pastry (ENSP) in Yssingeaux, he arrived in Paris in 2006 to join the Fauchon teams where he remained for 5 years.
It was in 2011 that Cédric Grolet joined The hotel Meurice as a pastry chef. He then became an emblem of the famous hotel, thanks to his incredible creations, he who has also obtained several distinctions including the title of “Best restaurant pastry chef in the world” in New York in 2017.
Very discreet about his private life, Cédric Grolet comes against all odds to confide in GQ magazine, on his recent physical transformation. The famous chef who cultivates a “cool” look by appearing more often dressed in a casual and chic way rather than in a hat and apron, has indeed resorted to hair transplant and beard hair transplant. An intervention which, according to him, contributed to the success of his brand! The many videos of Cédric Grolet making his pastries, published on Instagram and TikTok, have indeed been a perfect marketing strategy to arouse enthusiasm around his creations and therefore make people want to go to the shop to buy a pie or even a simple pain au chocolat.
Cédric Grolet: no taboos about his hair transplant
Cédric Grolet thus explains that he would never have been able to stage himself in this way, without his physical transformation. “Today I shoot videos that get millions of views on social networks and I couldn’t have done it before. I had the gulfs and it was a complex at home. In the photos, I could cheat, but in video it was not possible. he admits in the columns of GQ.“What bothered me was this metro ticket effect. I kept my hair a little longer to cover this surface. It was my own complex” continues the leader. And it is in one of the most beautiful Parisian institutes, namely Maison Lutétia, that Cédric Grolet finally decided to take the plunge after hesitating for years.
“Before I did it, I had visited Maison Lutetia, and I spoke to a patient. He told me that he had done it in Turkey and that he had made his biggest mistake, and showed me. His hair was all over the place and very sparse. It was not natural and it showed. That’s when I thought I was going to do it here”.
Renowned for its incredible menu of treatments and aesthetic medicine, Maison Lutétia has won the chef’s confidence. “Initially, I wanted a straighter and squarer forehead line à la Mbappé, but we found a happy medium after discussing it. Doing a transplant is also really a question of support and not just of know-how, even if it’s essential. You have to feel serene and well surrounded”.
The one who has appeared several times on the Top Chef program on M6 explains that he decided to confide in the subject to break the taboo that resides on hair transplantation for men. “I think that in 2023 hair transplantation should no longer be a taboo subject. The people who judge me and who still think that it is not good to do it are fifty years late. The techniques and the comfort of the intervention have evolved a lot and the results are more natural. If the hair is complex for you and you want to have a transplant, go for it. And if you don’t want to, don’t do it”.
Much more comfortable and confident in front of the camera thanks to his new look, he is now delighted to be followed by more than 12 million people on social networks… and to have a new hair routine.
“My hair looks natural, all the time. Whether it’s when I get out of the shower or when I brush my hair… I brush my hair! Me! My girl is freaking out when she sees that. I take better care of my hair now with better products and I take dietary supplements every day. I don’t want to go back!” he concludes with joy.
Elizabeth Sall