her pancreas is failing her and the health concerns are piling up!

If she spends happy days with her half met in Married at first sight, Alicia is still going through some very complicated times. If some have forgotten it, especially because of the war in Ukraine, fuel shortages, and others… the coronavirus is still part of our lives and the cases continue to increase day by day. Among the many new cases, Alicia is unfortunately one of them and Bruno’s partner seems to be having a very difficult time.

Indeed, a few days ago, the pretty blonde took the floor on social networks to announce that she felt bad. However, over the weekend, the candidate of Married at first sight performed a test which was negative. Worried despite everything by her many symptoms including headaches, fever and cough… the young woman decided to have a new one and what she dreaded so much happened. Bruno’s partner is indeed positive for Covid-19 and is currently in hospital.

COVID-19 but not only

However, the virus would not be the only pathology to which it is subject. In any case, this is what she let understand in a new story posted this Tuesday, October 11 when she gave some news to her community. I’ll let you know, I caught the Covid, except that with my fragile health, it’s not easyshe said at first before revealing that she was still suffering from something else.

“I’m hospitalized because I have pancreatitis. I’ve had that before, I have a fragile pancreas. But because of the medication, I also have drug-induced hepatitis… I had been quiet with all this for a year and a half…”, confided she very weakened. In fact, the candidate of Married at first sight warned his followers that they would hear less from him in the coming days: I’m on morphine so I can’t answer all of you. I’m very exhausted, thank you for respecting it”.

See also: Married at first sight: Internet users in shock, Eddy reveals the whole truth about his failed wedding night


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