her mishap in a VTC, her desperate agent calls for emergency help

Panic on board… and outside! This Friday, January 5, while she peacefully took an Uber taxi with her agent, Mathilde Seigner was totally panicked when she left the latter. The actress, who will celebrate her 56th birthday in a few days, realized a little late that she had accidentally left an essential personal item there: his wallet ! And unfortunately for Emmanuelle Seigner’s little sister, impossible to contact the VTC driver who took care of his trip, and Uber’s after-sales service was unable to properly respond to his distress. Where did the wallet go?

On Instagram, Mathilde Seigner’s agent, Geraldine Sultantotally overwhelmed by the situation her client was facing, tried everything by throwing a bottle into the sea: “Hello. We are looking to contact the Uber company. Mathilde Seigner forgot her wallet inside a vehicle. No one is answering us, neither on their site, nor on the app! If you have a means of contact! ! Thanks for your help”. For the moment, it is difficult to know if the public relations professional, who takes care of several other personalities such as Philippe Lellouche and Guillaume Pleymanaged to find the actress’ precious object…

She’s off to a great start to the year!

If Mathilde Seigner can’t get her hands on her wallet, the actress, currently starring in a play co-written by Benjamin Castaldi and Éric-Emmanuel Schmitt and whose poster she shares with her sister Emmanuelle, will have to face a number of administrative procedures. In the event of a misplacement or theft, the first thing to do is to alert the police as quickly as possible, and thus make a report of loss or theft. Mathilde Seigner will also have to put a stop on all her bank cards to ensure that no one uses and abuses contactless payments, and redo all lost official documents, such as identity documents, driving licenses or even the vital card… In short, a good hassle to start 2024!

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