her life has changed dramatically since she “hit rock bottom”!

There are those who prefer to see the glass half empty, and those who prefer to see it half full… And undoubtedly, Hélène Ségara belongs to the second category. Extremely positive, the singer who suffers from an extremely rare eye disease continues to transmit positive vibes to those around her at all costs: “I became a locomotive for people around me who were not well”, she also confided to Gala in October 2022.

A speech that she was already holding in the columns of We both a month ago
. “It is important to remain dignified and not complain when you know that, every day, people suffer or have to face war”she said to our colleagues.

See also: Omar Sy in a vast controversy: his wife Hélène forced to come out of silence!

“I have never felt so strong”

A faculty to know how to relativize which is the postive consequence of several ordeals that Hélène Ségara went through when she was younger. And for good reason, before experiencing success, the juror of “La France à un Incroyable talent” fought to offer the best to her eldest son Raphaël. “I’m the type to fight. At 22, I lived in a 15 square meter apartment with my son Raphaël. I was a single mother. If I hadn’t had hope that my situation would improve, I wouldn’t be here.”confided Hélène Ségara during an interview with Gala this Thursday, April 6, 2023.

A saving positive attitude on which Hélène Ségara now wishes to communicate to help people who face all kinds of hardships: “i started writing a book on the subject – how to stay positive and believe in yourself – because i’m interested. I learned a lot over the trials. I like to know that I can be within me tracing the courage to bounce back every time I hit rock bottom […]. What is certain is that I have never felt so strong as since I had one knee on the ground with my health problems.she concluded.


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