her last confidences on the pregnancy do not pass!

Since the announcement of her pregnancy, nothing seems to go as planned for Shanna Kress. Pregnant with twins, the future parents had been forced to make a choice after discovering that one of the two babies had Down’s syndrome. In addition to this difficult decision, the former Marseille star has a lot of trouble supporting the changes his body is going through. Upset, the pretty brunette appeared, this Saturday, August 13, in tears in a new YouTube video. ” I didn’t tell you too much about what I was going through, because it wasn’t very positive. Lately it hasn’t been in great shape “, she explained before adding: “ I try to tell myself that it’s normal, but I don’t accept my physique “.

” I do not love myself “

It’s hard to see me like this […] I’ve always had so much control over my life that now it’s hard with pregnancy. […] I look at myself in a mirror and I don’t like myself. […] I don’t know how to let go. I need to feel thin to feel good. When I see myself getting out of the shower, I can’t do it with my body. My darling, he can tell me that I’m beautiful, but I can’t. I can’t stand not having control of my life “, continued the companion of Jonathan Matijas while specifying” make you want to vomit “.

Shocked by the words of the singer, Internet users were not kind to the future mother. @iconic2tvr shared some opinions regarding the behavior of the former reality TV candidate. ” Pregnancy is not a disease, quite the contrary… She is not bedridden, she is tired of complaining », « That’s why Thibault fled. She is negative », « How unbearable to see her complaining… Limit we forced her to get pregnant”, “John has the courage to bear all this on a daily basis and it will not go away with the hormonal descent after the childbirth “, could we read. To be continued…


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