her incredible trick which would have allowed her to realize that Gérard Piqué was cheating on her

Twelve years of common life that goes up in smoke. Indeed, after several years of love, and two children, Gerard Pique and Shakira have made the decision to separate. The fault of supposed infidelity on the part of the FC Barcelona player or future ex-player of the Catalan club. Because yes, according to our colleagues from ASthe defender would risk losing everything because he would no longer be wanted at the club and would no longer enter into the plans of the manager, and former team-mate of Pique, Xavi.

“Xavi considers that the locker room must breathe football, that the team must live on football 24 hours a day and that if he wants to be credible with his messages sent concerning discipline, he cannot give free rein”, said the newspaper in its edition of the day. Xavi would have even reproached him for a “unprofessional conduct” and his “countless physical problems”. Nothing to worry about the player who would spend crazy sums in nightclubs since his separation from the Colombian artist and would spend his best evenings.

How did Shakira find out?

A behavior that the player had already had for several months, even several years, and which put Shakira in the ear. And if some are wondering how she would have realized that her man was going to see elsewhere at times, the Spanish press would have the answer. The Spanish-speaking program El Gordo y la Flacabroadcast in the United States, devoted a subject to this rupture as noted by our colleagues from Pure people. It was during the show that the journalists assured that the singer would have appealed to a detective agency. In other words, she had already suspected her man of seeing other women for a while.

Although it is conditional for the moment, it would seem that infidelity is indeed the reason which put an end to the twelve years of love between Shakira and Gérard Piqué.

See also: Gerard Piqué shoots in … Shakira!


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