her husband Michel Pialle indicted for murder



Video length: 2 min.

France 3

Article written by

T. de Barbeyrac, C. Blondiaux, J. Delage, A. Lay, L. Zie, D. Raveleau, N. Guilbaud, F. Fontaine – France 3

France Televisions

Michel Pialle therefore lied for nearly three months. The body of Karine Esquivillon, mother of five children, was found near Chalon in Vendée. Since this Friday morning June 16, a whole family is in mourning, a town is in shock.

In the convoy leaving the courthouse in La Roche-sur-Yon (Vendée), Michel Pialle, 51, leaves for the prison where he sleeps this Friday evening June 16. Investigating judges have just indicted him for the murder of his wife, Karine Esquivillon. They had been married for eight years, had two children together, young teenagers. She disappeared on March 27 from their house in Vendée, and no one has seen her since.

Michel Pialle faces life imprisonment

For his sister, even if she had doubts about her brother-in-law, the shock is immense. “I have no words, I’m broken, overwhelmed, it’s hell what he did to us“, declares Adélaïde Esquivillon. In front of the investigators then the judges, Michel Pialle affirmed that the death of his wife was due to an accident, with his rifle 22 Long Rifle equipped with a silencer. On the indications of Michel Pialle, the gendarmes found the body of his wife 16 km from their home, in a wood. In the middle of the morning, the remains were taken away by a mortuary van.

The autopsy will take place on Saturday June 17. According to his lawyer, Michel Pialle is relieved to have confessed. He claims to have thrown the murder weapon into a lake, but for the moment the investigators have not found it. For the murder of his wife, he faces life imprisonment.

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