her husband Djebril Zonga poses with their daughter, the Instagram photo that will make the buzz!

Last July, Nawell Madani made his comeback on the stage of “Marrakech du rire” after several years of absence. A return with great fanfare validated by viewers of the M6 ​​channel who warmly welcomed his performance on social networks. In his sketch, Nawell Madani notably mentioned his companion, the actor Djebril Zonga. “My husband is a model and actor. Yeah I don’t get pissed off… He and I are the same age, except I’m 10 years older than him. I think it’s because I’m stressed, I take care of everything, I think for two “ quipped the 38-year-old comedian.

At the same time, the cameras zoomed in on his darling present in the audience… and viewers literally fell in love with the 40-year-old actor seen in the film “Les Miserables”. “What do I remember from Nawell Madani’s passage? Her husband ! “,” Nawell Madani’s husband is handsome eh “, “We are talking about Nawell Madani’s husband. New crush”, “Nawell Madani’s husband who watches his wife spoof him. The poor. PS: Handsome huh. Do not lie to us”, “So beautiful the husband of Nawell, I am shocked” were among the reactions.

Nawell Madani: her husband poses with their daughter on vacation
A month after this buzz, Djebril Zonga is certainly being talked about again. A few days ago, the actor indeed published on his Instagram account, a magnificent photo in which he appears in front of a dream setting… with their daughter in his arms. “My daugther introduced me to myself” he wrote in the caption of the publication. As a reminder, Nawell Madani and Djebril Zonga, who have been in a relationship since 2007, became parents in September 2021, of a little girl named Louezna.

Aliénor de la Fontaine

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