Her husband Cédric Jubillar’s new request for release refused

Since his indictment on June 18, 2021, he has proclaimed his innocence and his lawyers have filed around ten requests for release, all of which have been refused.


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Candles and flowers placed in front of the house of Cédric and Delphine Jubillar in Cagnac-les-Mines (Tarn), January 17, 2022. (LIONEL BONAVENTURE / AFP)

The Toulouse Court of Appeal refused on Tuesday, July 9, to release Cédric Jubillar, accused of the murder of his wife Delphine, who disappeared in late 2020 in Tarn, and must rule in September on his referral to the assizes.

At the end of the hearing of the investigating chamber of the Toulouse Court of Appeal, which was held behind closed doors, his lawyers assured that they had obtained that a feasibility investigation be carried out in order to determine whether he could be released under an electronic tag from prison, where he has been for three years.

“We found a place where he could live away from all the media hype, from all outside influence and which would allow him to regain the freedom he deserves after three years,” argued Alexandre Martin, one of his lawyers. Since his indictment on June 18, 2021, Cédric Jubillar has proclaimed his innocence and his lawyers have filed around ten requests for release, all of which have been refused.

“Certainly justice is saying to itself that public opinion would have difficulty understanding if this man were released. […] It doesn’t work with the rules that are usually its own.”said Emmanuelle Franck, also a member of the defense.

In this case with no body, no confession, no witness, no crime scene, no irrefutable proof, investigators are convinced that Cédric Jubillar killed his wife Delphine, who had just announced her intention to divorce him.

The investigation was closed last June, following a final supplement of information, and the public prosecutor requested that Cédric Jubillar be referred to the assizes. The Court is due to give its decision on this request on 26 September.

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