her husband, Cédric Jubillar, questioned for five hours



France 3

Article written by

L. Feuerstein, R. Talbot, J. Raclet, France 3 Occitanie, C. Gindre – France 3

France Televisions

Cédric Jubillar, accused of having killed his wife, Delphine, almost a year ago was once again heard by the judges. The hearing lasted five hours, Friday, December 3.

For more than five hours, Friday December 3, Cédric Jubillar explained himself. He returned for the first time to the night of his wife’s disappearance. The craftsman was questioned on several disturbing elements, in particular the testimony of a neighbor who said to have heard cries of fear from a woman between 22:50 and 23:07, December 15, 2020. A story disputed by the defense.

The testimony of the eldest son raises further questions. The child claims to have witnessed an argument between his parents near the Christmas tree. The word separation would have been mentioned. “We are talking about a six year old child who comes to pressurize a year later”, indignant Me Alexandre Martin, lawyer of Cédric Jubillar. The defense emphasizes the absence of DNA elements, crime scene and body. “The interrogation marks the end of a cycle. It is time for justice to tackle other avenues”, indicated his lawyer Me Emmanuelle Franck, who will file a new request for release.

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