her friend EnjoyPhoenix speaks out and not everyone is going to like it!

“Exhausted”, she wants to end her life in Belgium, a country in which assisted suicide is authorized. Olympe, French influencer who evoked her 15 personalities that she undergoes on a daily basis during her time with Faustine Bollaert in It starts todayannounced the decision to his fans a few days ago and it did not fail to react, including his friend EnjoyPhoenix.

“I am already in contact with doctors. My decision was taken with a clear head”, she let her community know after explaining that she had already scheduled a date in the last quarter of 2023. Leaving her fans stunned after such an announcement, the young woman explained that her decision was not taken solely because of her personalities that tug at her every day. Indeed, it is in large part because she is cyberstalked than because she has DID. “I think I have my limits, like any human being, I’m very tired, I don’t want anyone to have to think about that”she assured before continuing: “I know there are many solutions, but you don’t know the reasons for my decision. I’m exhausted. You can’t know”.

EnjoyPhoenix reacts to the desire to “depart” from Olympe

If no one can go against his choice, some of his relatives allow themselves to comment on his decision. The proof is with EnjoyPhoenix. The influencer who recently sparked controversy for having called on a “soul ferryman” in her new home, and close to Olympus, was questioned by her community on this subject a few hours ago.

“What do you think of Olympe’s announcement?”he was asked before the ex-candidate of Dancing with the stars answered: “I love this girl. Her decision saddens me but it’s HER decision and no one is in her head but her and so no one has to have an opinion on her choice anyway”. If some hoped to know more, it seems to have failed.

See also: Nabilla and EnjoyPhoenix: war is declared?


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