Her first pregnancy turned upside down by cancer

An expectant mum who was diagnosed with breast cancer, 26 weeks pregnant with her first child, before facing chemotherapy during her pregnancy, warns women to watch out for abnormal changes in their bodies.

“I first noticed a large lump in my right breast, like a lump of flesh. In my head, at first, it was just hormonal changes. Even my pregnancy follow-up doctor thought it was nothing serious, ”recalls Jessica Dagenais, 25.

Taking no chances, her doctor sent her for an emergency ultrasound and then biopsies. On January 26, a date she will always remember, the dark diagnosis fell: the future mother has stage 2B breast cancer.

“I was alone in my doctor’s office, because of COVID. I burst into tears. Everything collapsed. I wasn’t even thinking about my health or my life, but that of my daughter, Roxanne,” she says.

From joy to anguish

Her first pregnancy, which was supposed to be a moment of joy for her and her spouse, instantly became a source of anxiety. She still considers herself lucky to have had her diagnosis quickly, which allowed her to begin treatment without delay.

“You shouldn’t hesitate to consult. If I had listened to my loved ones who said it was nothing serious, I might have had a diagnosis [plus sombre]. Prevention is better than cure,” she says, also emphasizing the importance of regular breast self-examinations.

The 25-year-old mum-to-be pictured before hair loss from treatments.

Courtesy picture

The 25-year-old mum-to-be pictured before hair loss from treatments.

Mme Dagenais has undergone two cycles of chemotherapy and will complete her treatments after her delivery scheduled for the end of April. Until then, she tries to regain her strength for the big day. Especially since she will give birth in the middle of the sixth wave of COVID and her immune system is at its lowest.

“As I was in the 3rd trimester, I was told that the chemo was not dangerous for the baby, because his organs are already developed. But it’s not cast in stone. Science hasn’t paid much attention to this. My fear is still present, ”says the Montrealer.

In front of the unknown

She dreads the weeks to come when her little Roxanne will be born. “I already don’t know what to expect, because this is my first child. Then, I’m afraid of not being up to the task like mum because of fatigue. Especially since at some point, I’m going to have one treatment per week for 12 weeks,” she explains.

She is saddened to have to give up breastfeeding, because of the products contained in chemotherapy. “Another mourning that I had to do. I would have liked so much to have this mother-child contact,” she says.

“I’m stressed, but I try to stay positive. Welcoming a little baby motivates me to keep hope and to fight for her, ”drops Jessica Dagenais.

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