her doctor is clear, she reveals for how long she will not be able to walk at all!

On Thursday February 2, 2023, the comedian revealed on his Instagram account to have fallen the day before during his show in Montpellier, and to have to take a few days off… Death in the soul, she wrote in a story: “It’s been twenty times that I redo this video because I don’t really know how to tell you, how to explain it to you, where to start… I’m too disappointed, I hold back crying and it’s boring. Inès Reg, who is a hit in her show Out of Standardsexplained what had happened to him: “JI injured myself during my show at the Zénith de Montpellier. I often go to the public, I was excited, I liked it, and I jumped. There were three stairs left… I don’t know who I thought I was, but I jumped on only one of my feet, not both, and I put 70 kilos on a right foot. I fell apart, and I slept really badly…”.

“I give myself a phew and my body, sometimes it doesn’t like me”

Heavily injured, the 30-year-old actress was placed in a wheelchair: “I went to the hospital, I can’t walk on my own anymore” and found herself in the medical obligation to postpone some dates of her tour: “So, I’m postponing the three dates tonight, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow […] I’m sorry, I can’t help it. I’m in too much pain and I don’t want to give you a worse show. A year ago right on, I slapped my knee and then I slapped my foot. I give myself a phew and my body, sometimes it just doesn’t like me, that’s all.

But this Sunday, February 5, the young woman seems to have regained the hair of the beast! On her Instagram account, she posted a message in story full of enthusiasm and which will surely delight her fans: “My fololo I had an injection in the foot, the doctor told me after the injection not to set foot on the ground for 10 days and… in 10 days, I can go back on stage! Fireworks in my heart!”. Very good news, therefore, since the energetic comedian will be able to resume his dynamic, girly and humorous One-Woman-Show, and above all be in great shape for his final performance in style, on Saturday June 17 at the Accor. Arena (Bercy). A royal closure after having already filled the Olympia 8 times, the Casino de Paris 30 times and 45 zeniths throughout France. A truly “Exceptional” course!

See also: “I’m disgusted because I’m addicted”: Inès Reg reveals the behind the scenes!


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