her daughter’s doctor makes a shocking confession, she collapses!

It’s been almost a year since the Orgeval family joined the cast of “Large Families: Life in XXL”. A program through which Louise and Kevin, parents of five children, share their daily life… And if the couple willingly agrees to let the cameras of the first channel film their family life, via their Instagram account where they are followed by nearly 100,000 subscribers , mum also likes to share snippets of her daily life with her community… And as a good influencer, Louise Orgeval shares the good and the bad! The proof, Tuesday June 20, 2023, the mother who is passionate about singing took the floor to give news on the state of health of her daughter Mia, 12 years old.

“The appointment with the endocrinologist did not go as we had hoped. It was mostly about his growth potential and the benefits of his treatment. I’ll give you a face cam case as soon as I have a little quiet time”she wrote via her Instagram story first before speaking on video.

“We started treatment with growth hormone two years ago. The problem is that we have come to the end of what we can do,” she said before bursting into tears. “She’s not very tall and she really won’t be very tall. And when I don’t say very big, it’s not just small. It is a crippling size. She had a targeted height of 1.54 m, which is already not very tall… [L’endocrinologue] told us that she would not reach it and that we could hope to gain a few centimeters, but no more and currently she is 1.39 m. So here it is, he was rather pessimistic and I find it sad for her.she concluded, upset.

See also: Amandine Pellissard reveals what her fans are asking her via her charming platforms!

“It’s not reassuring”

An announcement following which Louise Orgeval received an avalanche of messages from Internet users… But not always good omens! “You are nice to answer me and try to comfort me, but when you tell me that you are 1.52 m… I know that, I know very well that we live well by being 1.52 m or 1, 53 m myself I am 1.54 m, but 1.40 m is not the same […]. Thank you for answering me, but it is not reassuring”, she concluded.


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