her couple tainted by a terrible scandal, her son Sébastien lets go of her at the worst time!

The private life of Brigitte Macron continues to intrigue her admirers. But also tabloids around the world. For several years, the First Lady has formed a united couple with Emmanuel Macron. In good and bad times, the duo constantly support each other. During the meetings of her husband, the ex-teacher appears willingly with her three children named Tiphaine, Laurence and Sébastien.

In the columns of SHEBrigitte Macron has agreed to make some secrets about her offspring. “With my daughters, I was never a fashion prescriber or censor. They wore what they wanted. I also have a son, and it’s not nothing to have a boy who doesn’t like not the fashion. We try to educate when we are a mother, but we do what we can. The girls loved to go shopping with me, but my son, much less”, she analyzed for our colleagues.

Unlike his sisters, Sébastien Auzière speaks very little in the media. If for him the family is sacred, his relationship with his mother has not always been easy. In the past, the separation of his parents would have greatly upset him. In the 90s, the idyll between Emmanuel (still a student) and Brigitte Macron clearly caused their family to implode. In the turmoil, André-Louis Auzière abruptly leaves their home. It was not until 2006 that his divorce with the mother of his children will be pronounced.

“He took a long time to come back”

As Laurence Pieau pointed out in her article published on the site of Aufeminin, Sébastien Auzière often sided with his father. “During the photo session made for the induction into the Élysée, the old people are relegated behind, Brigitte’s children and their offspring well ahead. His two daughters play the game thoroughly, his son a little less… During the divorce, Sébastien Auzière would have taken his father’s side and he took a long time to come back”, said the journalist.

Over time, Emmanuel Macron ended up taming his son-in-law. For proof Sébastien Auzière has several times supported the Head of State in politics. For his campaign, he has – for example – agreed to manage the social networks of the “En Marche” party, to name a few. A nice clan that now appears united in all circumstances!


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