her children qualified as “disabled”, she pushes a violent rant on Instagram!

Amandine Pelissard, from the program “Large families, life in XXL” does not appeal to everyone. But if Jeremstar’s friend generally takes the criticisms that concern her well, when it comes to her children, she does not lose her temper.

Tuesday, May 24, she took her Instagram account to spend a violent rant and display those who insult his children. As she says in her stories, her detractors act on Facebook, via “fan” accounts of the show but which in fact are not really.

“They openly laugh. They call my children handicapped. You don’t touch my children”, protested the wife of Alexander. Some of their children have language difficulties, so the people who feed these accounts take malicious pleasure in making fun of them, even insulting them. Amandine Pelissard has therefore decided to make their names public by revealing their personal accounts and tagging them, which she will reiterate if the criticism continues.

She even revealed the slyness of the person in charge of this page. His technique for gathering information? Presenting yourself as a “very nice person” on social networks to chat with the mothers of the “Large families, life in XXL” program and then share screenshots of her conversations with the members of the group. Hoping that Amandine’s rant will dissuade them from continuing their trickery once and for all.

This is not the first time that the mother has used her Instagram account to fight against discrimination. On May 20, she shared with her subscribers Raymond’s homophobic remarks on the set of TPMP which she commented thus: “I am outraged by Raymond’s remarks. It would be wise to open a dictionary, because to dare to use the term PD is just inadmissible. ‘PD’ is a diminutive of ‘pederaste’ which (in ancient Greece) describes an adult man attracted by a young boy….. so a pedophile. Stop homophobia under the guise of freedom of expression. And a little culture before expressing yourself (wrongly)? Wouldn’t hurt…..”. The messages have passed!

Laura Bertrand

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