her boyfriend testifies!

It is a drama that shakes the universe of the Misses. This Tuesday, February 7, 2023, Chayenne Van Aarle, Miss Belgium 2022, was the victim of a serious road accident on the E17, just before the exit from Kruibeke in the direction of Antwerp, reports Het Laatste Nieuws. According to information collected from her boyfriend, Nicolas Geniets, the young woman would have hit a truck in traffic jams. Stuck under the vehicle, the rescuers managed to get her out of her car after half an hour of effort.

Although alive, Chayenne Van Aarle would suffer from a serious head injury. She was reportedly admitted to ZNA Middelheim in Antwerp in critical condition. “Chayenne has serious injuries to her face and the rest of her body. She also has bruises in her lungs and internal bleeding. But according to the doctors, she is reasonably stable,” entrusted the companion of the beauty queen to our colleagues before adding that she would be “conscious”.

A tragic end to the reign

HLN reveals that Chayenne Van Aarle needed stitches in her eye and suffered numerous cuts from the broken glass. Doctors are said to be removing glass from his neck. His vertebrae would also be affected. A sad end of reign for the young woman who was to transmit her crown this Saturday.

Contacted by Het Laatste Nieuws, Darline Devos, organizer of the Miss Belgium competition, says she is relieved to know that her protege is out of danger. “I was horrified to learn that the firefighters had to free her”, she said. She regrets that the young woman cannot participate in the event this weekend. “She’s a real beast of the stage and I wanted to see her there, she would have opened the show with her own song. She speaks perfect French and Dutch, so as a backstage presenter she would have done brilliantly “The election can take place though. Everything is settled, but I hope that Chayenne can still be part of it in one way or another.”


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